Wydawanie zaświadczeń do zawarcia małżeństwa za granicą Issuing of certificates for marriages concluded abroad
Kogo dotyczy Who is affected
Czas realizacji
Lead time
Deadline: The certificate is issued immediately after the submission of the required documents. Handling form: Issue of a certificate stating that under Polish law a marriage may be contracted, or refusal to issue a certificate.
Wymagane dokumenty
Wymagane dokumenty:
1) wniosek o wydanie zaświadczenia (do pobrania w siedzibie USC);
2) do wglądu dokument tożsamości: dowód osobisty lub paszport;
3) pisemne zapewnienie (przygotowane przez pracownika USC),o braku okoliczności wyłączających zawarcie małżeństwa” złożone przed Kierownikiem USC;
4) dokument potwierdzający stan cywilny przyszłego małżonka.
Required Documents
Required documents:
1) application for a certificate (to be downloaded from the Registry Office);
2) an identity document: an ID card or a passport for inspection;
3) written statement (prepared by an employee of the Registry Office) concerning absence of circumstances excluding contracting a marriage, made before the Head of the Registry Office;
4) a document confirming the marital status of the future spouse.
The stamp duty of PLN 38 shall be paid to the account of the Registry Office in Żory: - directly at the stamp duty machine located at the Żory Town Hall, Rynek 9 or - to the bank account of the Żory Town Hall, Wojska Polskiego Avenue 25 - ING Bank Śląski o/Żory 95 1050 1070 1000 0022 1347 7389 89 Other fees: none
Tryb odwoławczy
Appeal mode
If a party is notified in writing of a refusal to issue a certificate by the Head of the Registry Office, the applicant may, within 14 days of delivery of the letter, apply to the District Court in Żory for a ruling on whether the circumstances presented by the Head of the Registry Office justify the refusal to perform the act.
Podstawa prawna
Legal basis
Act of 28 November 2014. - Law on civil status records (consolidated text Dz. U. of 2020, item 463, as amended).
Additional info
The certificate shall expire six months after its date of issue.